Decision Support System for Management of Invasive Alien Species in the Black Sea Basin

The Decision Support System (DSS) for management of introductions of invasive alien species (IAS) for the Black Sea basin (The Black Sea basin IAS DSS) has been developed during 2009-2012 in frameworks of the European Commission FP7 enviroGRIDS project (Building Capacity for a Black Sea Catchment Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development, Grant Agreement No. 26740).

The Black Sea basin IAS DSS consists of four main online tools: risk assessment protocols, searchable species directory, GIS application for mapping species records, and searchable experts database. It also includes such additional supportive tools as international open-access journals Aquatic Invasions and BioInvasions Records, and links to other relevant online tools and resources.

In addition, developing DSS will include an early warning component, and currently we are working on mechanisms for the more effective transfer of scientific information from publications in the open access journals upwards to the level of decision-making, by focusing on the Black Sea basin area as a model region (for more information see REABIC services for Early Warning Systems).

Description of online DSS is available in the enviroGRIDS project report “Risk Assessment Toolkit and DSS. The online Risk Assessment Toolkit and Decision Support System for introductions of invasive alien species for the Black Sea catchment” PDF


The DSS website is currently under construction and some features may not work properly.